Saturday, August 14, 2010


Hi, I was feeling lonely so thought of writing something. I wanted to write more on things around me. But right now my life is quiet plain and colorless, so I’ll try writing on something else.
I am Shivam. Right now I am outside a house in Darjeeling. How did I reach here? I was traveling from Kolkata to Shillong in a train. I was returning after completing my final year of engineering. I had got placed in Infosys and had to join in a month’s time. I was going back to my parents for a nice vacation. The train had come to halt on one station on the way. There is this beautiful place in between called Darjeeling. The station was on hilltop and close to the station was this amazing valley. I think this is one of the most beautiful places in India. I was seeing stunning hills and miles of tea gardens on them also few ropeway trams crossing between the valleys of all the hills. A small number of dark clouds were passing over the hill tops covering them and few sunrays making a beautiful colorful rainbow over one of the mountains. This beautiful view was just making me feel like passing through a heaven. Bang! Just while I was enjoying this view I heard a loud sound of door. My boogie was not too occupied as I was going to a small place in India called Shillong. Immediately I shifted to the edge of my seat to see what happened. Before I reached the edge I saw one person pass by my seat. He was running and huffing very loud as if he was terrified. Just then I reached the end and peeped out. From the bang to reaching the end of seat would be just a couple of seconds or less. As my head was moving out of the seat edge to see another bang! This time this was a bullet. I couldn’t see the bullet or think of anything more before the bullet hit my head. Bang!!! I don’t think I had that much time to feel the pain. Within a second my body was down lying dead.
After few seconds I saw myself getting up. I woke up and I was taken aback by the fact that I was able to survive even after being hit by a bullet in my head. I touched my forehead; there was no wound or blood. I felt all fine, I felt happy as I thought that it was just a bad dream. Just then I turned, what I saw was a person was lying down. It looked like he was dead. There were lots of people around. I looked closely; the dead body looked just like me. I was confused. I stood quiet in one corner and tried to understand what was going on. I asked one person about the dead person. But he didn’t reply, he just ignored as if he didn’t listen anything. I asked him again. But there was no reply again. I thought he is traumatized. So I went to ask other two guys who were talking to each other. I interrupted their conversation and asked “Can you tell me what happened here? Who is this dead person?” These guys too ignored me completely. Now I was starting to feel infuriated as everyone was ignoring me. So I decided to touch them and interrupt their conversation. As I tried to do that I was shaken as I wasn’t able to do that. My hand just went through their body. I looked around even more surprised. I tried to touch other people. I tried to have a conversation with them but nothing worked. Then I turned and looked at the dead body and realized that body was mine.
I was dead. Then I remembered that it was not the dream which I realized when I woke up. That was a fact and I was dead. Now I am history. I was shot dead by one of the policeman who was chasing down a criminal. The criminal was caught alive later but I lost my life through the chase. See this is one example of how crime destroys others lives. Not only my life but my parents who were dependent on me are also affected by this one criminal. Though I was dead and there shouldn’t be any emotions left in me, but I was feeling bad for my parents. How were they going to survive, as they were completely dependent on me? I had no clue I just left that place and went out on the hilly roads of Darjeeling. Yes, I never imagined that after viewing such beautiful view within few seconds I’ll be dead. I just walked up one of the hills out there. On top there was just one attractive house. Not too big, small but nice and wonderful. There was a beautiful garden with amazing flowers all around the house. I was just standing outside this house and observing the beauty of nature.
I was dead. Then I remembered that it was not the dream which I realized when I woke up. That was a fact and I was dead. Now I am history. I was shot dead by one of the policeman who was chasing down a criminal. The criminal was caught alive later but I lost my life through the chase. See this is one example of how crime destroys others lives. Not only my life but my parents who were dependent on me are also affected by this one criminal. Though I was dead and there shouldn’t be any emotions left in me, but I was feeling bad for my parents. How were they going to survive, as they were completely dependent on me? I had no clue I just left that place and went out on the hilly roads of Darjeeling. Yes, I never imagined that after viewing such beautiful view within few seconds I’ll be dead. I just walked up one of the hills out there. On top there was just one attractive house. Not too big, small but nice and wonderful. There was a beautiful garden with amazing flowers all around the house. I was just standing outside this house and observing the beauty of nature.

This is how I landed outside this house from where I started telling my story. This is not the end, there’s still more to come.

To be continued…
God bless you all!!!
:) :) :)